Costa Rican drug traffickers mix fentanyl with other drugs and sell them in colored pills.

They mix fentanyl with other drugs to generate a greater effect and they sell them in colored pills to attract more attention from their buyers, and it is also dangerous since they look like candy. The Judicial Investigation Organization (OIJ), together with the Prosecutor's Office and the Drug Control Police (PCD), dismantled, the previous week, a criminal organization dedicated to selling this type of drug in the country, it was investigated with 2 milligrams of That drug can kill a person. Young people are consuming it daily and this new drug is very dangerous. In this case, care must be taken with these new “colored pills”, which are very dangerous for human beings. Also, they say that According to the World Health Organization, fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is used as an analgesic and anesthetic and is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine. You have to be especially careful with children since in some cases they have been confused with edible mints.

My National News: 

 LUIS JIMÉNEZ |28 de noviembre de 2023, 15:06 PM
